Shall we together


Group: tout petit
Country: Belgium
Age: for ages 3 years and above
Duration: 45 minutes

Shall we together

Shall we… laugh, watch and play together?

This site-specific performance focuses on the encounter. The encounter between two dancers balancing each other, but also the encounter between young children, adults and senior citizens. After all, they enjoy a dance performance together.

A performance in which two dancers challenge each other to push boundaries. Throughout the performance, the encounter grows. At the start, the audience takes seats facing each other, the stage surface with the two dancers between them. In this way, the audience does not only watch the dancers, they also watch each other. After the performance, the audience are brought together during an interactive moment for play.


About the performance

Choreography Ilke Teerlinck
Dance Ilke Teerlinck and Gold Mayanga
Music Koen Brouwers
Scenography Erki De Vries
Movement advice and dramaturgy Lies Cuyvers, Ciska Vanhoyland and Iñaki Azpillaga
Production tout petit, MoMeNT and cultural centre Hasselt
With the support of city of Hasselt
Many thanks to deRUIMTE

About the company

tout petit is a production house that has been creating dance productions for a young audience since 2013. The company is unique in Flanders and plays a special role in Europe. They create dance for young children, pushing artistic boundaries and places the dialogue between scenography, dance, and music at the forefront of its work.


Inga Evenemang