Shall we together
BEA performance in which two dancers challenge each other to push boundaries.

Shall we together
BEA performance in which two dancers challenge each other to push boundaries.

Shall we together
BEA performance in which two dancers challenge each other to push boundaries.
- Friday 8 March | 10:00 - 10:45
- School performance
- For ages 3 years and above
- Sandarnas Vård- och omsorgsboende
- Tickets!

Shall we together
BEA performance in which two dancers challenge each other to push boundaries.
- Friday 8 March | 12:00 - 12:45
- School performance
- For ages 3 years and above
- Sandarnas Vård- och omsorgsboende
- Tickets!

Shall we together
BEA performance in which two dancers challenge each other to push boundaries.
- Saturday 9 March | 12:00 - 12:45
- Public performance
- For ages 3 years and above
- Mölnlycke Kulturhus
- Tickets!