Welcome to the professionals program in Gothenburg on March 19-21 2020!
During three days you have the opportunity experience talks, mingling and of course – dance performances! The Step professionals program is for anyone working with dance, performing arts or culture for young audiences in general. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet other professionals and let yourself be inspired by three full days of dance.
The professionals program 2020 focuses on artistic selection – what we present and why. To shed some light on this from various perspectives, we have invited participants representing various parts of the performing arts scene for young audiences. They are producers, artistic directors, dramaturges, directors, dancers and researchers and will present perspectives regarding representation, internationalization, gender identity, target group adaptation, artistic choices and much more.
We have invited Sue Buckmaster, Artistic Director of London based company Theatre-Rites to talk about the work on adapting adapting Akram Khan’s performance Xenos into Chotto Xenos, that also has its Swedish premiere during Step 2020, for younger audiences. She will also talk about creating work on not naturally “child-friendly” subjects like the refugee crisis and the banking crisis.

From Gothenburg we welcome Sandra Grehn, Postgraduate in Literature focusing on Theatre Studies at the University of Gothenburg. Sandra will discuss representation using what discourses, narratives and bodies there are in performing arts for young audiences today as her starting point. But also how this affects children and youth’s perception of themselves and others.

From The Netherlands comes Dancer and Producer Paulien Truijen, one of the co-founders of the company Cie. Woest that visits Step with the performance Balancing Bodies. Paulien will talk about working outside the traditional venues and how they in doing so create ownership within the audience.

During the talks you will also meet our three curators. Adjjima Na Patalung, Artistic Director of BICT Fest in Bangkok, talks about producing a contemporary performing arts festival in Thailand in relation to a European context. Peter Sunesson, Producer for the Salto! festival in Skåne, talks about non-normative and queer perspectives in performing arts for young audiences. Gerhard Verfaillie, Artistic Director of the Krokus festival in Belgium, talks about internationalization and the artistic choices this could mean for a festival.
The talks are moderated by Catharina Bergil. Catharina has extensive experience in working with issues regarding performing arts connected to society at large. Today she works as head of the performing arts educations at the Academy of Music and Drama in Gothenburg.
The talks are held in English. They are free of charge, but you have to register.
Click here to register!
The talks on Thursday and Friday, March 19-20 are presented in collaboration with Folkteatern.
Read more about the professionals program here!
Hope to see you all in Gothenburg on March 19-21, 2020!